comment verification and gravatars
Friday, August 19, 2005
you learn something new everyday... and today i learned about gravatars and blogger word-verification in comments (from jaxon). blogger recently introduced this new word-verification setting for comments to fight automated comment-spammers (ha-ha!). just go into your comment settings and click yes for word-verification as seen here. i also stumbled upon while surfing through some comments/blogs. gravatars are globally recognized avatars (or basically those little pics that you find in haloscan comments). you can create a gravatar at this page here. check them out sometime! happy blogging... happy learning :)
- At 7:47 AM, atomicvelvetsigh said...
wow great suggestions neko.. and once i start havin spammers id add this. for now im curious what spam would invade me.. hehe
- At 11:51 PM, dreaming-neko said...
aren't you a risk-taker! :)