kssk with perry & price at john dominis

i went to the live KSSK morning radio show with perry and price (famous local radio personalities) at john dominis restaurant last saturday. this special brunch was organized for all the company volunteers as a small thank you (and we were lucky to get some last minute invites from LC). ST, AT, LC, LW and myself were stuck in a nice little corner table near the scenic window with little stage view when we showed up at 8am. the breakfast buffet was kinda weak, but the show was fun with games and musical guests. i had the 'build-a-bear' mascot-character rub my head and attack LW, but still miss the hanohano room a bit more from the previous years~

posted by neko @ 10:40:00 AM          |


At 7:39 AM, Blogger fon said...

Hey Dreaming-Neko...

So where in the world exactly ARE you?

Just curious...

At 5:58 PM, Blogger dreaming-neko said...

the wonderful kingdom of honolulu, of course :)


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