Monday, January 31, 2005
if your work-week started on a saturday, would monday still be a bad day? :)
- At 1:17 PM, Sarah Brush said...
Well interestingly my work week start son TUESDAY because my day OFF is Monday! So I love Mondays!
Oooh and thanks for blogrolling me! - At 9:24 PM, fon said...
I'm in Cairo, and the working week starts on Sunday here... so people feel glum on Saturday nights, the same way a lot of westerners aren't too happy on Sunday nights!
Thanks for leaving comments on the story... not all my writing is that gloomy, don't worry... there are a few other things there with a more humorous twist...
Any suggestions for improvement?
BTW, Ganzabil is Ginger in Arabic... - At 3:54 AM, srah said...
I have classes/work on Thursday, Friday and Monday. Monday is still poo and I'm all thrown off because I have two weekends a week.