goodbye highs, hello lows

i knew that it couldn't last, but where did this perfect day go? i was on such a high this morning. i slept at 3:30am the night before, but got in to work early. i received a birthday surprise at work, i got my pairings done on time, i fixed a sbs program problem, i had lunch and coffee with KO & AT, i got interviewed by a beautiful auditor, and had coffee again after work with AT & LW. but high highs can not last. and after the second coffee, the lows started visiting.

i caught a chill on the drive home, and my heart was beating like crazy (too much caffeine?). i took a 2-hour power nap, waking up dizzy, disoriented, alone, and down. i decided to get some comfort food (coco curryhouse) at pearl kai and check up on some tower dvds. resisting the temptation of a shopping-fix, i grabbed the chicken-katsu curry and drove home. what a strange day... goodbye highs, hello lows... let's see what tomorrow holds.

posted by neko @ 10:30:00 PM          |


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