on the bookshelf
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i'm falling behind on my reading! on the bookshelf i got the following books waiting in must-read order:
-the worldly philosophers by robert heilbroner - economic theory
-rich dad's guide to investing by robert kiyosake - investing
-hard landing by thomas petzinger - airline industry history
-status anxiety by alain de botton - whimsical look at status
-kafka on the shore by haruki murakami - one of my favorite writers
-haunted by chuck palahniuk - from the creator of fightclub
my magazine subscriptions (aka bathroom reading) include:
-newsweek - for general news
-gq (gentlemen quarterly) - for fashion/entertainment
-wired - for technology
-entertainment weekly - for reviews
-travel and leisure - what the heck~
free-weekly papers (aka more bathroom readings) include:
-the honolulu weekly - for reviews/events
-the TGIF paper - for more reviews/events
what's on your reading list?