eating-neko: 808 kapahulu
Friday, August 26, 2005

i am running a little behind with my eating posts... but 2 weekends ago i stopped by 808 kapahulu with ML. this very trendy restaurant is located on 808 kapahulu (wow! what a coincidence!) and serves some unique tapa style fusion euro-asian-japanese food (or whatever that means). the restaraunt was BYOB, but we did not know that prior so we didn't have any alcohol with our izakaya-like food. we went there before the kava place, so we ate kinda light: an order of deep fried eggplant baked in sweet miso dashi, seafood dynomite, and kansai style stewed pork cubes with rice. a pretty tasty meal at a very trendy place. the prices were quite reasonable too though the service was a bit green. we'll definitely need to take advantage of that bring-your-own-alcohol thing next time!. check it out if your in the area :)