cosmic bowling night!
Saturday, October 01, 2005

i joined DT at her company's bowling gathering last week friday. it was league night at the busy aiea bowl and we had to wait until 10pm before the lanes openned up for regular games. we had almost 30 people in the group and the 2 rivalries were strong: DT and her coworker V. i was just hoping to have at least one decent game. as 10pm rolled around, the league crowd went home, the younger kids came in, the lights dimmed, disco-lights flashed on, the music blasted through the speakers and the games were on! DT performed flawlessly in 3 consistant games, bowling more than 160 points in all 3. i bowled 110, 158, and a miserable 98 in the last game (at least i got second place in the second game). bowling made me reminisce a bit about how i used to join my parents when they bowled in saudi arabia back in the early 1980's. my how time flies... til the next match ladies! i'll be ready ;)