sydney '06 part 2: harbor bridgeclimb
Thursday, August 17, 2006

on day two we woke up extra early and waited for room service to start at 5am. we were quite famished since i slept right through dinner last night (and was talking in my sleep and tossing around all night... sorry, babe). after breakfast and more roll-around-cuddle-time, we caught a cab to bridgeclimb sydney for the 12:05 climb. at the headquarters, we checked-in, signed our safety waivers, changed into the climb-suits (blue/gray superhero outfits), strapped-on our climbing-belt (like batman) and went through the climb-training. the hike was vigorous but fun (we were still sore from yesterdays walks). the views were spectacular on the climb. it was such a beautiful day! you felt like the king up there. a young couple in our group got engaged on the bridge summit. it was magic, but we got hungry again on the climb down.
back on the ground at 3:30pm, we went to amo roma (a favorite italian place) in the rocks. we ate a big late lunch (seafood marinara, fettucine vongole, and pizza with victoria bitter) followed by some heavenly gelatissimo gelato and caught the train back to the hotel for more roll-around-cuddle-time. at 10pm we went down to the hilton's trendy zeta bar and drank six AUD$25 grey goose martini's on the balcony under dark, chilly skies and a cool view of the classy queen victoria building across the street. we followed up with some sexy dancing in the empty underground marble bar before calling it a night. whew...