peter cetera made me buy merlot

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i went to safeway with my friend after work yesterday to pick up some groceries for the house. this week i was determined to eat at least 3 salads at home for dinner, so i bought a very healthy supply of veggies and fruits at the store. passing by the wine aisle i hear: peter cetera's " one good woman " song blasting on the speakers. it's a classic song from his second solo album: " one more story " (i remember that cause i bought the cassette back in 1988) in any case, upon hearing this music i proceeded down the wine aisle and picked up a bottle of turning leaf merlot (2002 reserve on sale for $5.99) and checked out. on driving home, the song faded out of my head, and i was left in the car puzzled: why did i buy this wine? i'm not expecting any company. i seldom drink alcohol at home, and if i do it's usually vodka or beer. what happened in there?

i came to the conclusion that peter cetera had made me buy the wine. he brainwashed me with his song and made me shell out $6 for the bottle. i was lost in the music. darn you peter cetera! shopper's beware. the music is going to get you...

posted by neko @ 4:43:00 PM          |


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