43 places
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

my new addiction is 43places.com. i first found this site on consuela's blog. a great distraction for logging in past travels and planning future trips. between blogging, IM, and 43places... i may never be productive again... it's a big world out there, people: explore it!
check out the site at http://www.43places.com~ and let's travel :)
i'm quitting you
Monday, March 27, 2006
to support LW's cigarette-quitting plan this year, i have proposed to quit a 'certain someone' by my next birthday (june 1st). that's 2 months to quit my hardest addiction: love. cold-turkey is the only way to go. i am so addicted to her, and she is so bad for me. that's right, woman!: 'i am quitting you in june!' * evil laugh * i don't know if i'm strong enough... do they make a patch for this?
to be updated.
* rocky theme song starts up *
rainy days
Sunday, March 26, 2006
rainy days are good for sleeping. so i slept all day. sleeping all my worries away, sleeping all the world away. but when i awoke, i thought of you. and it made me sad...
will it be sunny tomorrow?
can you find the neko?

relaxing on stage with the hypnotist...
jumping disney dream
1. i dreamed that i was jumping up this hill of stacked-boxes. we were using them for our long jump practice. i think CY was there. as i got to the top of the boxes, i got called down. someone had to use the ramp for their practice now. they were practicing how to fall during the hurdles... great... we got kicked out.
2. out with CY now. we are at disneyland! there's so much to do and see here! where should we go? we'll need at least 3 days here to do everything. we plan the trip, but i kept on thinking: 'what is this all for?' WAKE.
never ever ever
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
i received the hyptnotist show dvd in the mail a few days ago and i'm still in shock. i'm sorry to disappoint you all, but i just wanted you to know that you will NEVER ever ever ever get to see this clip ever... sorry :)
shave ice

and you say that i never post you on dreaming-neko...
reunion dream
i dreamed that i was a little kid in this big maze-like house. i had a cat-doll that was given to me by someone special. the cat-doll was alive and it was best friends with a monkey-doll and a bear-doll. they all had a secret relationship together long ago, but had been seperated in that maze-home. i had to sneak-around the dark halls and climb through tight passage ways to find the animals. i worked my way into 3 different rooms to bring them together. they were good friends and longed to be reunited. in the last room, i got caught with the 3 stuffed-animals by some people in the house. they looked at me totally perplexed, but eventually saw the happy stuffed-animals together and understood the meaning of it all. WAKE.
the neko is online
Sunday, March 19, 2006
the neko is online with verichat IM on lana the treo-phone (because i definitely need more distractions). if you're ever online, catch me at: co0601@hotmail.com - MSN, or co0601@yahoo.com - YAHOO. happy chatting :)
HIFF - spring 2006

it's here people: the honolulu international film festival's 9th spring showcase! 7 days, 13 countries, 26 films starting on March 31. a quick teaser before the grand festival in the fall. it was a tough year for spring picks, but this is what i got:
3/31 -lady vengeance (korea)
4/2 -hard candy (usa)
4/4 -citizen dog (thailand)
4/6 -rules of dating (korea)
i had to pass on all those sad love stories this spring... but on a lighter note: i did find some great new titles from toys 'n joys in kaimuki. my must-see list includes: the promise, 2026, fearless, and tom yum gung. happy viewing~
i did not pass the sober-test
Saturday, March 18, 2006
should i take back that last 'wow?'
hypnotism 101
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

i went to our credit union's annual meeting/dinner at the hale koa hotel this past saturday. everything went fine and swell until i was pressured to volunteer for the hypnotist's show that night. 12 of us went on stage for a crowd of 200. only 6 people were left on stage after the trance (i was NOT pulled off the stage~ darn you, KM!). stuck in the spotlight, i made a pact to let go and have fun. the crowds went wild~ in a nutshell: i played air-violin, hopped around like a ballerina, slow danced with some dude, forgot my name (sing happy birthday), tried out for a water commercial after novocaine, howled like a werewolf, and won a chinese rap-battle contest... (hell yeah!). i'm still waiting for the video of the show to arrive. it was an interesting night :)
driving in the dark dream
Monday, March 13, 2006
i dreamed that i went to party at some old house on top of the hill with a bunch of strangers. i was driving an old beatup car. after the party, i had a hard time trying to accommodate everyone with a ride down the hill cause they didn't mix well. we eventually got everyone in. i started driving down that scary dark hill carefully, but my headlights suddenly went out! i'm stuck driving in the dark! we were spinning round and round, but i manage to re-gain some control again as the lights flashed back on. with the lights on, i saw all those nasty gila monsters (big ugly lizards) and angry snakes that we were driving over. don't get bit, people! in the end, we made it down the windy path unscathed. WAKE.
eating-neko: bar35

i went to bar35 with beautiful LC last monday after work. bar35 is a nice trendy bar located on grungy hotel street between nuuanu and smith. it's my new downtown bar haunt (after indigo). this hip little bar is dark and cozy with plush leather couches, tealight candles, 3 unique rooms, beers from around the world, and specialty pizzas. a very mellow classy scene (but very packed on friday/saturdays). lounging on the sofas, i had 2 martini's and she had 2 rieslings. we sat and watched an intimate couple at the bar counter engage in an intense lover's-quarrel. i'm not sure what happened there... but i can only sum it up in one word:
check out bar 35! happy hour runs from 4pm until 8pm~ cheers!
izawa rice!
hi AI! we ate your rice today! it was quite amazing~ thanks :)
fixer-upper dream
i dreamed that i moved into an old grungy dirty rundown little studio in a scary scary neighborhood somewhere. this studio is next to an old rugged dorm that seems to be boarded-up. i managed to clean up the mess and freshen up the place a bit. friends visited my place and i gave them a tour of my new abode. i was proud of all the little improvements here. so far so good? WAKE.
a blah pic
Friday, March 10, 2006

sober ponderings
man... i got to stop blogging stuff after drinks... hehe :)
drunk ponderings
Thursday, March 09, 2006
i've been drinking for the past many nights. going out for many many days. in my intoxicated state now, i ponder:
damn! what is this rollercoaster that i'm in? i gave up peace for passion. the highs so high, the lows oh so low. i cannot be desireless... i love too much. you love no one. my fate is set... a beautiful letdown.
* sigh*
good night, love.
viva las vegas!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

i flew down to vegas with the boys (ST, AM, AO, KO) last feb 27 - mar 2. another wild, eating, shopping, gambling, no sleep escapade in sin city with a few good friends. a non-stop romp of $3.99 steaks, 4am breakfast, main street hotel & casino, golden nugget, california casino, 5 guys in 1 hotel room, in-n-out double-double burgers, premium outlet shopping, fcuk outlet, sports-book stops, fashion show mall, victoria's secrets, bath & bodyworks, triple seven prime ribs, kryptonites, gambling, free drinks, stage-deli pastrami, cesars forum shops, fao schwartz, emporio armani, where the hell is the bathroom here?!, wynn casino visit, $5 gellato, main street buffets, more drinks, rough roulette tables, wild craps action, moody megabucks/poker machines, crazy let-it-ride play, WTF blackjack games, little sleep, late night coffees, deep talks, where the heck should we eating next?!, hot cocktail servers, local gamblers, souvenirs, late night flights and full planes. darn. time flies... good luck and good times, fellas~ cheers!
Monday, March 06, 2006
we didn't make this 'all-nighter'
Sunday, March 05, 2006
i only save my 'all-nighters' for special people (only special people save their all-nighters for me). our last vodka drinks, our last night beach walk. fighting sleep for more time. can we stay up for that last morning flight? who knows... by 3am, we were pretty tired. i was running on heart and you were sleep-walking on fumes. by 4am we lost to the night. i'm sorry for asking, but i had to try. morning came with the clock's alarm. we had our last coffee at the airport (that's your official coffeeshop for now) and i hugged you goodbye. we didn't quite make this 'all-nighter' last, but i'm so glad that we gave it a try. thank you. have a great year~
a note
thank you for your sweet note, 'eternal' coffee-mate! it made me so happy! til our next cup... please catch a big fish for me :)
bellows beach picnic
Saturday, March 04, 2006

i had a refreshing beach picnic with my new coffee-friends last week saturday. we picked-up some kua'aina avacado burgers and drove out to bellows beach, with a quick stop at blowhole and a coffeebean break at koko marina (a mini neko-tour). the sun was shining bright and the weather was absolutely beautiful. a great day for a drive. on the beach i splashed around in the chilly waves and took a nice shore stroll with AI. on the walk i stopped to checkout some sandcastles and accidentally stepped on a big slimy fugu (puffer fish) that was lying on the beach (eww). it was a great day. thank you :)
for more pics, check out: bellows picnic
a happy dream
Friday, March 03, 2006
i dreamed that CY was back for another visit. everything was all a test. i was able to to say "yes" to her this time. my dad even helped me get a ring. she says she still has to decide, but she loves me more and wants to stay and marry me. we hugged and kissed affectionately. it is all going to be ok... WAKE.
when i awoke, i actually felt happy (you always made me smile)...
but it was all just a dream... but i'll keep smiling for you.