updated bodyfat test
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
i had a new bodyfat test tonight at the gym. my last test was a while ago in early may (165 lbs 17.6%). according to the new 4-point test, i weighed in at 155 lbs and my bodyfat is 17.8%. fairly consistent with the last one except for the 10 lb weigh difference (less gut). i gotta work for the 15% now in the upcoming months. wish me luck!
unsuccessful charlie brown
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

i was an unsuccessful charlie brown this past halloween. i had the yellow t-shirt with the squiggly-line (gift from RO). i had the round face and the navy shorts with brown sandals. i even drew that strange 'w'-shaped thingy on my forehead. but about 6 people at the office ask me who i was... hmmm... maybe it's just a hawaii thing? good grief...
i am missing the dog,
he went back yesterday.
the dog never really loved me.
or am i missing the girl?
what is she thinking?
i am not really sure~
a new love
Monday, November 28, 2005

it's here! the coffee bean & tea leaf franchise from california! this classy, cozy coffeeshop is always a favorite stop for many caffeine connessiuers, giving starbucks a run for its money. currently located in manoa marketplace and aina haina, the franchise plans to open up 9 more locations in the upcoming months. i stumbled upon the shop after the play at manoa theater with LC. a new haunt. if starbucks ward is RO, waialae coffeetalk is KT, and starbucks airport is LW, then manoa coffee bean is LC. so stop on by, and try the ice blended vanilla drink~ it's heavenly (and AM-approved). cheers!
dog days in waikele: part 2
Saturday, November 26, 2005
the dog loves AM. he follows him around the house and whines for him when he is gone. it's like they have some history together or something... in contrast the dog ignores me most of the time. big dogs are not very affectionate, but he does like to save all his doggie poop for me at 6am every morning (is that affection? or comfort?). it never fails. through rain and cold. the dog must go at 6am (which is kinda bad cause i normally wake up at 8am). i wake up hazy and grumpy with plastic bags in tow for our morning rounds. the evening/night walks are much more pleasant. it's quite therapeutic actually: just me and the dog on a leash in the dark night~ no phones, no screens. it's kinda nice, just me and my thoughts and the dog with his scents. but after 10 days i still gag when i pick up big doggie poop with those plastic shopping bags. my eyes tear up... gotta hold my breath... it's just so... warm. in anycase, the dog is being picked up on monday. 3 walks left til then, buddy.
christmas - presents - to - self
Sunday, November 20, 2005

i went to ala moana shopping center last weekend to pick up some impulse early christmas - presents - to - self. a new grey taiga wallet from louis vuitton and a lacoste red 'style in play' perfume. the wallet was quite a challenge. it cost me a whole car-payment and took 2 shameless exchanges to get it right (i first started with a square damier canvas then a multiple billholder damier). i got completely sold by cute great service at sephora for the perfume. i couldn't say no to her. it smells like cranberry-vodka (sweet and fun). so now that i got this out of the way, i can focus on my real christmas - gifts - for - others! hmmm... decisions, decisions...
put something in
draw a crazy picture,
write a nutty poem,
sing a mumble-grumble song,
whistle through your comb.
do a loony-goony dance
'cross the kitchen floor,
put something silly in the world
that ain't been there before.
~shel silverstein
(just for the record: i started doing this silly dance for the dog when no one's home. he looks at me all baffled, and gives me a wink before resting his head on the couch for another nap.)
a night of theater
Saturday, November 19, 2005

i went to my first theater show ever in honolulu with LC last wednesday night. we saw the manoa theater production of flaming idiots: a short comedy written by tom rooney about 2 crazy entrepeneurs who start up a restaurant. we started the night with a fine meal at paesanos in manoa marketplace (she had the chicken, i had the veal with 2 wines). we walked through the graveyard to the cozy theater and enjoyed a fun (though not great) play followed by a special coffee session at coffee bean & tea leaf in the chilly night. to sum it up: a near-perfect evening. so what's next? :)
Friday, November 18, 2005
i'm not sure why, but i've been singing alot lately. singing in thai, singing in english, singing in the car (with no tint at the top of my lungs), singing in the shower while bathing, singing old songs, singing new tunes, singing at karaoke with a cute stranger, singing at home to the dog, and singing in the hallways / elevators when no one is looking. i've been in a great singing mood ever since i got back from dallas. high on music, high on life.
is this normal?
dog days in waikele

we had a surprise visitor here in waikele last night: ' pepper ' the 8o lb dalmation is hanging out with us for the next 10 days. we're going to be big dog-sitting pro's! pepper is a pretty handsome fellow, with lots of energy, but he doesn't seem to listen much. he mopes around the house moaning for his beautiful owners who are on a trip to japan. he also has an impulsive knack of trying to hump people when they are not looking.... so it should be a fun, exciting week! to be updated~
Thursday, November 17, 2005
i am smitten... again. darn it...
kssk with perry & price at john dominis
Thursday, November 10, 2005

i went to the live KSSK morning radio show with perry and price (famous local radio personalities) at john dominis restaurant last saturday. this special brunch was organized for all the company volunteers as a small thank you (and we were lucky to get some last minute invites from LC). ST, AT, LC, LW and myself were stuck in a nice little corner table near the scenic window with little stage view when we showed up at 8am. the breakfast buffet was kinda weak, but the show was fun with games and musical guests. i had the 'build-a-bear' mascot-character rub my head and attack LW, but still miss the hanohano room a bit more from the previous years~
1 bottle of peter lehmann's shiraz from costco - $13
1 bottle of robert mondavi cabernet from costco - $19
a late night dinner for 3 at town restuarant - $95
moonlit night walk on the cliffs above sandy beach - $0
driving 40 miles from hawaii kai to waikele at 1am when you're really really tired but all smiles - priceless
bbq night at AO's
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

we had a small mellow bbq gathering at AO's place last night. steak, chicken/apple sausage, kalbi, poke, korean chicken, rice, beer and sake made for a fun and very filling night. the weather was a bit fussy and wet, but we managed to grill all the food before dark. as the kids ran around the table giggling, i managed to jump into the chilly swimming pool after a few drinks to enjoy the dark night sky. floating there on the calming water, i reminisced and pondered: my how time flies~ who knows what the next bbq's will be like for us?
good times, boys. good times.
"it is simple to be happy, but it's hard to be simple... "
i'm not sure where i read this or who it's from, but i really like the message~
floating in a strange funk today...
you are stuck on my mind. and i love to suffer :)
the red party at ala moana
Monday, November 07, 2005

party-neko strikes again! i attended the grand 'red party' (courtesy of AO) at ala moana shopping center last night with LC. two floors of high-end fashion was showcased with live music (deshannon higa, a salsa band, live dj) and food/drinks from honolulu's top restuarants (kai, diamondhead grill, brewmoon, grey goose bar, sbaros!, yummys!). it was quite a large crowd and the food lines were long (not as cozy as the armani party). we sampled buffalo, papaya salad, lamb, virgin wine, pizza, lots of cosmos, and much more. the mini-bars ran out of alcohol by 9:30 so we walked over to the mai tai bar again for more drinks. no sexy red-heads or drunk filipinas last night though :(
til the next party~ cheers!
just for the record:
i am NOT 'uji.' thank you.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
i am drunk again after another drinking night at the red party... eating mcdonalds all alone here watching ultimate fighter 2 finals on tv. why am i alone? fun drunks need company... any takers? :(
instyle magazine party at emporio armani

we got special invites from AO to attend the instyle magazine party at emporio armani this past thursday with ST, LC, KO and friends. this means that i finally get to go styling in my armani suit again (worn 3 times in 2 years)! it was a very cool event with dj's, supermodels (rinka), celebrities (carlson kressley), miss hawaii (kehau christensen), trendy dressy beautiful people, and free drinks and pupus! we must have gone up to the bar for at least 8 pearl harbor martini's (a fancy green midori drink) followed by alot more beer and washington apple shots. the highlights of the night include ST's miss hawaii photo-op, cy's step-up performance, and two wild, crazy stops at mai tai bar (some details of which i'm not allowed to talk about). in anycase, i'd like to send my regards to the sexy dancing red-head and the drunk filipina who was so generous with those kisses. thank you~
(your secret is safe with me KO...)
clean up dream
Thursday, November 03, 2005
i dreamed that i was moving into an old run down apartment somewhere. my old cousins (like mee) from bangkok where helping me move and clean up the place. it was quite run down with lots of junk everywhere. we wandered around the dark damp room exploring all the junk that was left behind by the previous tenant. there was a strange mysterious spiral thingy there. i had to clean up the place for cy to visit. she is coming soon and i need to make the place just right or she would not visit here. i hope we can clean it all up in time! WAKE.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
i forgot my belt today in my rush to work...
i guess i should get ready for a sucky day now :(
(superstition? i think not!)