niagara falls tour
Sunday, July 30, 2006

looking up from the 'maid of the mist'
well, i didn't get to tour toronto. we were stuck in the quiet town of waterloo for most of the trip, but on the last day of classes, we got to visit niagara falls with thanks to debbie (our trainer/driver/guide). the falls are about a 2-hour drive away from our waterloo hotel, so we really appreciated the tour. the place was packed with countless visitors from all over the world. the skies were grey and heavy with clouds and mist. we parked the cars in a near-by casino and walked down the hill to the promenade. the sight of the falls is breath-taking. to the left, the american falls with its rocky bottom. to the right, the massive horseshoe, canadian falls. from above we could see the 'maid of the mist' boats touring the waters below. we walked down the busy promenade to the top of the canadian falls and eventually made our way onto the 'maid of the mist' tour. they packed the boat with a hundred-plus smurf-like people in blue rain-poncho's. it's going to be a wet and windy ride! i was one of the few people to risk their cameras in the heavy mist and falling waters. we got drenched passing the two falls, but the wall of water was quite a sight~ an amazing experience. after the falls, we had dinner at the hard-rock cafe and walked up the carnival-like clifton hills on our way back to the car. we caught one last glimpse of the lit falls at night before we left. it was a good day.
check-out more flickr pics here: niagara falls
'vegas-size' dream
i dreamed that i was hanging-out at a coffeeshop somewhere with KN and MC. they were comparing a certain men's body part to different cities. KN was rambling on and on about how men with 'vegas-size' parts just gave her so much pleasure. MC was agreeing with her. i had to sit there and listen to this girl-talk... great. WAKE!
dim sum dream
i dreamed that i was having a dim sum lunch with KN. she brought her microphone with her for some reason and started announcing (awkwardly) the chinese names of each dish as they came. i snorted and started to laugh... WAKE.
posting from waterloo, ontario!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
and i miss you like crazy...
2 close calls & a not-so-close call
Sunday, July 23, 2006

-close call 1
a 7-inch centipede tried to attack me last week. i was sitting in my bedroom watching tv in a pair of boxers at the time . it crawled into the room out of nowhere and snuck behind the television. i was in a panic! i didn't have anything to squoosh it with. i threw the tv remote at it, but the remote bounced off the carpet and hit the wall exploding into a million pieces. it's hard to squoosh something with the carpet here. centipedes are extremely hardy. as it made its way out from behind the tv moving towards my futon, i grabbed a new roll of 100 dvd-r's and put it on top of the creature. i jumped on it a few times for good measure. it's still under the roll now as we speak. whew~ that was a close call.
-close call 2
we drove out to bubbies ice cream shop last night after the sunset-on-the-beach movie (mission impossible 3). as i drove down university, i slowed to make that left turn into puck's alley (yes i had my signal on). as i waited for the cars to passed, i heard a loud thump! i looked back and saw 2 cars behind me (a CRV and a SUV). we didn't feel anything, but after we took the left, i pulled to the curb and inspected the car. nothing. as i parked the car for bubbies, i saw the two other cars across the street. it appears that the SUV two-cars behind me was trying to pass into the other lane and clipped the corner of the CRV's bumper. there was a big dent there. i breathed a sigh of relief. man... another close call.
-a not-so-close call
so i was leaving the waikiki condo last night to go to bubbies, when this seabring pulls into the tight parking lot next to me and i couldn't get out. i tried to reverse a bit, but ended up curbing my rear-passenger-side rim on this small block on the curb. darn you, curb! you always get that horrible sinking feeling when you hear that scraping sound. i had previously curbed the front-passenger rim a year prior so i'm familiar with it. now i have two on the same side... yay! well, upon inspection, i discovered that they had rotated my tires in the last servicing and i had actually scraped the same spot from last year! a miracle! i can live with one ugly wheel, i guess. a not-so-close call, with a happy ending.
-thanks for reading my long-winded rants!
the crazy crazy quickies
Thursday, July 20, 2006
-it's crazy, but it's true. the neko gets lucky. it must be love?
-the U2 vertigo tour 2006 concert has officially been re-scheduled to december 9th, and pearl jam is going to open for them! i kept my tickets from last april, but may lose a concert-partner by december... any crazy rocking takers?
-i hate you, kenneth cole. i hate you. the outlet is closed in waikele here and my $185 loafers from los angeles are now on sale for $75! that's crazy! darn you, kenneth cole! darn you.
-i'm flying out to toronto/waterloo this coming monday. it's going to be a short work trip. no extended stay in toronto, no dinner/drinks with crazy wild christine, no niagara falls as previously planned... but there will be a next trip (hopefully sometime next year).
-so what's the craziest thing that YOU've ever done? do tell... :P
-for good news: my sydney trip has been moved-up! i will now be meeting a 'secret' travel-partner in early august for lots of fun and coffee. it's totally crazy~ the to-do list currently includes: the bridge-climb, darling harbour, opera house, the rocks, opera bar, minus5 bar, gelato, and quay restaurant. to be updated...
-and a half-year has zipped-on by us. are we moving into the better-half of 2006? or just a crazier one?
-keep the surprises coming, love :)
it's good to be the king...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

cheers... cheers!
the king of cups is wise and understanding, with a deep knowledge of the world that comes from the heart. he is a teacher and way-shower who guides his students with loving attention. he cares about others sincerely and always responds to their needs with compassion. he heals with a gentle touch and a quiet word. he gives others freedom to grow and develop in their own ways without asking anything in return.
the official list 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
i seem to have alot of different 'lists' floating around these days~ my travel list, my to do list, my wish list, my eat/drink list, my naughty neko list, and the official friendship list from 2004. we're falling behind, fellas! 2 years and only 2 things completed! here's a simplified, updated list for 2006:
- north shore drive: completed 2005!
- 24-hr fitness gym (at any location!)
makapuu lighthouse(cross this off the list?)- interisland trip (maui, big island, kaui?)
- mainland trip: (los angeles completed pre-list)
- sydney: completed 05/2005!
- waikiki beach stroll (the easiest one for this year)
movie(cross this off the list?)national park(cross this off the list?)
stolen wallet dream
i dreamed that i went out to a bar somewhere alone for a drink. it was pretty packed, so i sat up at the counter and started chatting with the the regulars. as i sat down, i placed my LV wallet on the countertop. while chatting with the bar people, i turned to chat with someone behind me. but when i turn back around~ someone had taken my wallet! i started to panic: who stole my wallet? i asked the bartender, but he saw nothing. i just turned away for a second! and now my $370 wallet was gone! i was quite mad and frustrated. damn. that was so stupid... WAKE.
the tall-guy dream
i dreamed that i was playing basketball with MT in an old school somewhere. she was not too interested in the game and was being quite sassy. a 7-foot guy suddenly entered the court from no-where and started chasing us around. MT runs and hides in a bathrooth stall. And the tall-guy gets in there with her. i run to her aid and try to break down the locked door... i punch and kick the stall door with all my might but it didn't budge. all i saw were legs under the door. i punched the door one last time with all my energy and it swung open to reveal the tall-guy in his boxers with his pants half-down his legs and MT looking all bitchy at me. i thought you wanted me to save you, love! i head-butt the tall-dude and MT storms out all grumpy-face... WAKE.
a not so typical year
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
oh my! love... you are so full of surprises!
take it from the pro's
Friday, July 07, 2006

two rooms dream
Thursday, July 06, 2006
i dreamed that i was staying in a hotel somewhere with CY. we were sleeping in two seperate rooms. i was pacing the lobby alone and worried: i have to fly back tomorrow! we don't have much time. i called-up the girl, and she says to come up. in the room she acts cold and i am sad. i decided to go back down to the lobby... we're running of time. WAKE.
email sydney party dream
1. i dreamed that i was emailing/chatting with MVCPO all night. we had a ton of emails between us and i was eagerly checking/awaiting her next response... WAKE.
2. next i dreamed that i was setting up a party in sydney with SG, ER, and RD. everything was set and we were waiting for people to come. during the wait, i had a discussion with ER about how most people make sacrifices when it comes to their work and that he was lucky to have his dream job (as a photographer). i called up RF to remind him about the party and DF answered the phone. she gave me a lesson on photo customer service (big smile, be courteous, etc) on the call. WAKE.
on the bookshelf
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i'm falling behind on my reading! on the bookshelf i got the following books waiting in must-read order:
-the worldly philosophers by robert heilbroner - economic theory
-rich dad's guide to investing by robert kiyosake - investing
-hard landing by thomas petzinger - airline industry history
-status anxiety by alain de botton - whimsical look at status
-kafka on the shore by haruki murakami - one of my favorite writers
-haunted by chuck palahniuk - from the creator of fightclub
my magazine subscriptions (aka bathroom reading) include:
-newsweek - for general news
-gq (gentlemen quarterly) - for fashion/entertainment
-wired - for technology
-entertainment weekly - for reviews
-travel and leisure - what the heck~
free-weekly papers (aka more bathroom readings) include:
-the honolulu weekly - for reviews/events
-the TGIF paper - for more reviews/events
what's on your reading list?
post-holiday quickies
-my right wrist is aching like crazy again (from computer and gym). i guess this minus-ion bracelet is not working too well~ i might have to move up to phiten or q-ray. any suggestions?
-i spent 4 hrs and $440 on my 30k mile car servicing last saturday! special thanks to AT for making it bearable and fun. it's always great coffee-ing with you :)
-i'm flying to waterloo, ontario for work at the end of july. it'll be my first trip to cananda ever. i'm planning to visit toronto after waterloo and meetup with fellow fun blogger christine there. my plans include: cn tower, kensington market, harbourfront, eaton center, yorkville, and one good dinner (maybe at bistro 990). i might take a bus-tour to niagara falls too, if i can afford to stay an extra night. should i visit niagara falls (a popular honeymoon spot) alone?
-i am tired of dreaming about CY. how do you stop dreaming of an ex-flame?
-i'm planning to meet new travel partner, BN for sydney (and maybe melbourne) this fall. my new sydney list includes: harbour bridge-climb, hunter valley winery, blue mountains, taronga zoo, minus5 ice lounge, and the beaches. see you soon :)
-i ate about 30 glitterati's today at my desk. can't... stop... snacking...
-'neko golden-week' did not go off so well... maybe i should just shoot for a single up-all-nighter like my insomniac bar-hopping hero dave attell. one mega-hangover is easier to deal with than 7 back-to-back hangovers for the working man.
-hmmm... the quickies here are getting longer and longer... oh well... cheers~
wild driver dream
i dreamed that i was hanging out in the office parking lot with a bunch of coworkers. JS was test driving this huge tractor trailer thingy in the mezzanine. he was whipping it around corners and backing into tight stalls with one swift turn. the guys were cheering him on. yeehaw! WAKE.
bitter 'hi' dream
i dreamed that i was walking back home to LC. from a distance, i can see her through the window slouched over the bar counter looking kinda drunk. she waves and says 'hey you,' but when i got to the door... i saw 3 previously hidden drunk guys lying on the floor around her. i guess i missed the party. i bitterly said 'hi' to everyone and shook their hands before walking straight to my room. hmmm. WAKE.
great love
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

how great is your love?