a good june goodbye
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
we're finally reaching the end of june! good riddance! june was such a sucky month here. even with all those birthdays and all those drinks. may was such a blast in comparison. june was a slap in the face. age, finance, love, loneliness, and work strike back. i apologize for all those moody, whiny june posts. but yes, it's all coming to a close. it started with a phantom (in my head) and ends with a good goodbye.
* sticks out tongue * bleah!
july looks pretty promising so far. keep your fingers crossed~
something about summer
there's something about summer that doesn't like a post... the warm long summer sun, the cool calming breeze. it energizes the soul. but unfortunately my mind turns blank and i don't know what to write next: a post-block. unlike spring's rejuvination or even fall's changes and those winter blues~ the summer energy doesn't like a post. it's screaming: ' go outside and play... '
the neko is drowning...
Monday, June 27, 2005
the neko is drowning in 10's tonight. and it's not a pretty sight. i just can't swim in these waters. i just can't keep afloat. drop me in a pool of 5's. dip me in a sea of 7's. but save me from that ocean of 10's... i'm just not made for this. sigh :(
happy birthday MO!
happy birthday MO! to a most beautiful woman with a most beautiful family (with baby elle and that lucky guy). we're honored to celebrate this birthday with you. have a great year~
high anxiety mode
my heart is racing in high anxiety mode today. pitter-patter, pitter-patter. is it the caffeine? or was it my dream? it's such a busy week. something's eating at me... be still my beating heart...
when all else fails: re-boot! the computer cure-all for those funky little technical nuances. re-boot! applications not working? re-boot! hardware not functioning? re-boot! systems crashing? re-boot! wouldn't life be great if it came with a re-boot button? (that and maybe an ESCape key - click)
monday updates
hey it's monday again! another week has flown by... and i've been lagging on my posts again. it's been 6 months of (almost) daily posting. it's like a part-time job. maybe i should look for something a bit more productive. but can anything be as rewarding?
last week was a busy productive week. we did the final july awards, i updated the f/a schedules, i read 2 books (good debt, bad debt & freakonomics), had LW coffee breaks, i went to muay thai class, we celebrated a AM's birthday, i set up my quicken finances, i had coffee with SG on saturday, i initiated my bill consolidation loan, i went to the gym, i went to the beach, i visited dad, i saw a HIFF film: marathon, i saw the HIFF girl (she's so beautiful), i cleaned up my room (a bit), i had a good chat with CY.
but i didn't get to go coffeetalk and i didn't get to blog much. oh well... there's always room for progress! have a great new week, folks :)
happy birthday, AM!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

happy belated birthday, AM! another year, another birthday dinner. this time we threw the party at cal beach rock 'n roll sushi on a monday night against the birthday-boy's wishes and recommendations. 12 fun well-wishers came out last night to celebrate mr AM's 31st birthday. a pretty rowdy crowd (especially with RH in the mix!). it was great seeing rie again too. though we'll definitely have to pass on that unfiltered-sake next time! there's so many birthday celebrations in june... the world is full of gemini's, i guess. have a great year, man~
and speaking of birthdays: my 30th celebrations never seem to end this month. the office birthday balloons are still flying high and my cards are still on the bookshelf at home. last friday's cal beach outting with SG and RD should be my last celebration, but i still need to drink with KN after she flies back from japan. oh well... it's a tough life... cheers!
Monday, June 20, 2005
wow. it's monday night, and i'm drunk again... this must be a good week. celebrating AM's birthday at california beach rock 'n roll sushi (wasn't i just here last friday?). i'd write more, but i'm buzzing too much. lots of emotions/thoughts rushing through my head. it'll be another fun busy day tomorrow! will update.
kung fu - the legend continues...
Sunday, June 19, 2005

first there was grandmaster sam. the father of kung fu. in his golden days, there was no man that could out kung fu him. he set the rules and paved the path for many of his followers. sam was a true grandmaster. his technique was flawless, and his will was firm. nothing fazed him. as he retired his grandmaster ranks to time and other commitments, master rudy emerges to fill the void.
master rudy is the humble kung fu master. he refuses to accept the grandmaster title, even though his skills are without bounds. his performances are rare, but always amazing. a man of great range and versatility. he shows us a world without limits. moving back to texas, he leaves his practice behind for the next generation...
and the next generation is here: neko - the grandmaster-in-training. with a good track record and six-months of pure commitment to the arts, neko is next in line for the grandmaster title. through his passion, desire and commitment, neko is writing the next page in kung fu history. will he be up to this enormous challenge full of tradition and honor? only time will tell. wish him luck :)
weekend summary
hey, it's sunday already! where does the weekend go? let's see... here's my recap.
-friday day: work
-friday noon: looong lunch (oxtail soup)
-friday night: meet the boys (SG, RD) at mai tai. bump into LW with his new posse. mai tai's was filming for hot hawaiian nights with the kaala boys, so it was super packed.
-friday night: moved to cal beach for some sushi and drinks. started with some oyster shooters and made some new friends. hi jodi! :)
-friday night: moved to high tide sports bar (puck's alley) for some pool and more drinks (am buzzing at this point). lost both pool games...
-friday night: went to waikiki starbucks for some late night beach coffee and deep talks. it was a beautiful night.
-saturday morning: hangover-central. wake up for tylenol and wish AM happy birthday.
-saturday morning: sobered up and went to gym with ST and KO.
-saturday noon: lunch at chilli's (mmm... country-fried steak extra gravy)
-saturday afternoon: walk around waikele and a god of war session
-saturday night: dinner with dad
-saturday night: aimless wandering around borders (got 2 books)
-saturday late night: cy chat
-sunday morning: book reading (amazing)
-sunday noon: lunch with dad at cpk. walked around barnes and nobles together.
-sunday afternoon: drop by ST's to pick up gym shoes
-sunday afternoon: blogging at coffeetalk (a slow crowd today...)
there's still so much to do... drop by the office, laundry, more reading... am not quite ready for a busy monday yet :( how was your weekend?
happy father's day, dad!
how do you thank someone for a lifetime of love and care? with a hallmark card and a nice lunch? an expensive gift maybe? i guess i'll start with a loving ' thank you ' and a hug. happy father's day, dad...
it is sent...
Friday, June 17, 2005

i've been so bad... it's been over a month! you probably hate me by now :( but the flip flops are finally going to texas via dhl (# 23131147944). may was such a crazy month, but there is no excuse. could you ever forgive me, letti...
cheer up, KT!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
cheer up! cheer up! cheer up!
keep busy, keep your head up, and keep smiling~
shop-therapy not working
i engaged in a bout of shop-therapy last sunday at circuitcity. i am such a sucker. i bought the ipod shuffle to get myself out of this rut (well, i did have a gift card too). but the shop-therapy didn't work. it's been such a slow weekend. i must be quite down :(
i tried some more shop-therapy on tuesday at the lucky brand jeans shop's 50% sale. do i really need another pair of lucky jeans? still nothing. this is getting pretty serious, folks. i need some new distractions...
eating-neko: okonomiyaki kai
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

i finally went to okonomiyaki kai for my birthday a few weeks ago, and just received the pics today (thanks, AM!). located behind walmart near ala moana, the little restaurant was definitely a great place for a fun, mellow gathering. the decor was all class and the service here was second to none. we ordered: celery tsukemono, mayonnaise shrimp, spinach salad, hiroshima style soba okonomi, and pork/kim chee okonomi, steak, tako-yaki, sake, and more (yes, it was a lot of food~ even for 6 people). we stayed for a fun 3 1/2 hours with all the drinks. it was a special night: thanks folks! kai is definitely a great stop for some unique food, great atmosphere and top quality service. bon appetite~
i've got a sweet-tooth this afternoon. and i'm jonesing for some candy! the chinese lunch just didn't cut it today... so i took out some spare change and splurged on 2 kitkats, 2 reese's, a snickers bar, and 2 packs of starburst. the snack-drawer is full. this could be dangerous...
i've been a horrible reader
i've been a horrible reader. please forgive me. my attention span is that of a monkey. i can't think, can't focus. i apologize to my fellow bloggers for not keeping up. i've been in an off-reading mode. can't concentrate. is this ADD? my mind is lost, much like my heart... so what's best the cure?
2005 pan-pacific festival parade
Monday, June 13, 2005

i was able to tear myself away from coffeetalk by 5pm and fight the crazy road-block traffic to attend the 2005 pan-pacific festival parade in waikiki. there are tons of parades in waikiki throughout the year, but this is by far my favorite one. this parade showcases the diverse pacific rim arts and culture with high-energy performances and unique floats. i still remember walking home along kalakaua ave during one of the bigger festivals many years ago: there were enormous glowing lantern floats, loud taiko drums, and many high-spirited performers everywhere. i thought my heart was going to explode from this rush of energy and emotions. this year's show was quite a bit smaller, so i was a bit disappointed. but overall, it was still a fun little parade: starting with miss cherry blossom and ending with the giant red dragon. banzai~
this is a space-filler
ok, i'm a bit odd. i don't like having two pic posts too close together. so this is just a space-filler to add some more text between these two posts. sometimes i'll re-date posts to move them around just to balance things out. design, space, harmony, color, form first (content second). mental, huh? :)
and speaking of ugly shorts...
Sunday, June 12, 2005

and speaking of ugly shorts, i got a tiger on my crotch. and the trunks are a bit too short and too tight. but this does beat my other ugly blue jester trunks with two rings of triangles around the muay thai logo... that one is just too big and too loud. i have to order a XXL-size trunks (thai sizes) online with a 32 inch waist and weigh 75 kilos (165 lbs)... need more variety... the search continues...
people watching
pondering: where do these beauties come from? i never see them around during the week. do they only come out here on the weekends? i could sit here all day. i miss college... why aren't you in my life?
hold up! be desireless. be desireless. be desireless (wow... what a smile!)...
last sunday i bought a 25 ounce bag of nacho cheese doritos for $3.99 at costco. my weakness (even while keeping up with that low carb lunch/dinner thing). this sunday i just finished it (by myself in about 6 sittings). the bag is 25 servings at over 190 calories per serving, so i did some major damage with that thing~ the dorito-kid strikes again... what's your costco indulgence?
muay thai update: week 3

so 3 weeks and 6 classes of muay thai have gone by. my how time flies when your having fun. i really look forward to the classes these days. it keeps me going. i got 2 ugly pairs of muay thai shorts, some hand-wraps and my very first pair of cheap sparring gloves. i must say that the classes are getting a bit better~ i still remember dying on the first lesson. i'm pretty much able to get through the drills now, but there is room for much improvement. injury status: two sore wrists, two sore feet, blisters on toes, a small scar on the foot, bruises on the arms, sore left shoulder, but no broken bones or concussions (a great start!). in any case, cutting down on the rice (carbs) has kept my stomach mostly flat (except for the spare tire in the lower abs!). i promise to commit at least 6 months to this. the last hurrah. this is pretty much my last chance at bringing back the six-pack stomach. wish me luck.
somewhere i belong
coffeetalk on sunday. it just feels right. even solo. a little music, a little reading, a little blogging. not too shabby... i even got premium free parking right in front today. it's a good crowd here... hope my notebook battery lasts :)
goodbye highs, hello lows
Friday, June 10, 2005
i knew that it couldn't last, but where did this perfect day go? i was on such a high this morning. i slept at 3:30am the night before, but got in to work early. i received a birthday surprise at work, i got my pairings done on time, i fixed a sbs program problem, i had lunch and coffee with KO & AT, i got interviewed by a beautiful auditor, and had coffee again after work with AT & LW. but high highs can not last. and after the second coffee, the lows started visiting.
i caught a chill on the drive home, and my heart was beating like crazy (too much caffeine?). i took a 2-hour power nap, waking up dizzy, disoriented, alone, and down. i decided to get some comfort food (coco curryhouse) at pearl kai and check up on some tower dvds. resisting the temptation of a shopping-fix, i grabbed the chicken-katsu curry and drove home. what a strange day... goodbye highs, hello lows... let's see what tomorrow holds.
neko gets a birthday surprise!

neko gets a another birthday surprise one week later! my co-worker was trying to sneak into the office before me to balloon and confetti my desk (he was away on a trip last week~ i told him about it yesterday), but i was already here doing the bids. surprise, surprise! thanks, MC!
crikey! i've been tagged (again)!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
sweet jumble has tagged me again with this wicked 3-post. thanks for thinking of me, jumbled-one! you are too kind. have a great trip in the mainland! and don't forget to drop by the islands here on your way back~
3 Names I go by: neko, super-neko, king-neko (and spiderman)
3 Screen names I've had: dreaming-neko, neko, co0601
3 Physical things I like about myself: arms, chest, hands
3 Parts of my heritage: thai and chinese (and irish and american and hawaiian)
3 Things I am wearing right now: tan chinos, white polo, tan loafers (at work)
3 Favorite bands/musical artists: coldplay, radiohead, lifehouse (plus more)
3 Favorite songs: too many...
3 Things I want in a relationship: love, care, stability (and fun)
3 Physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to me: good hair, legs, smile
3 Favorite hobbies: coffee, eating, drinking
3 Things I want to do badly right now: make-love, hold hands, travel
3 Things that scare me: being alone, uncertainty, letting go
3 Of my everyday essentials: keys, wallet, cellphone
3 Careers you have considered or are considering: hotel, marketing, king-neko
3 Places you want to go on vacation: japan, france, thailand
3 Kids' names you like: hmmmm... never thought about it...
3 Things you want to do before you die: love somebody, make parents proud, create something
3 Ways I am stereotypically a boy: lazy, high tolerance to dirt, use of swear words
3 Ways I am stereotypically a girl: fussy about clothes, likes stuffed animals, like artsy/cultural stuff
3 Celeb crushes: (my blogging heros) clearcandy, jumbledmind, letti :)
now who should i send this too? gotta think... gotta think...
how about consuela and jaxon? tag, tag~
the wi-fi jig
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
i just discovered a free wi-fi hotspot around my condo here that was not there prior! a glorious unsecured connection! * does little leprechaun jig * thank you kind stranger. may your generousity return to you ten-fold... cheers to you~
a message for junkolin

eyes closed and dreaming~
hi junkolin! good luck on your trip to london! i'm sure you'll have alot of fun there. but always remember: we have bluer skies and warmer beaches here in honolulu (waiting for you). take care and don't forget to write... :)
a love post for KT
Monday, June 06, 2005
ok. this one is quite interesting. i've been given the task of writing a love post for shy, confused KT. she wants me to write about her secret feelings for her music teacher in tokyo... oh well, here goes...
KT pondering:
i can't find the words... i don't know how to say it... stuck in a passionate love with no beginning. is it all in my head? my heart skips a beat when i see him. it sighs and sinks. i can't get these butterflies out of my stomach~ they flutter up my chest and fill me with anxiety. why does't he notice me? we hardly know each other. we meet once a week. its been a few months now. why aren't we together? in emails and calls i look for the right words. they never seem to come to me. they hide behind my insecurities and ignore my emotions. what should i do? what can i say?
neko gets a neko

neko gets a surprise gift from sweet CY. i rarely receive packages or mail these days (its just ads and bills). so i was quite surprised and happy to receive a troika 'jumper' key chain and two marie maison de mieux kitties (one black, one white) with a cute card in the mail. we had seen both these items in roppongi hills, tokyo last december... and she stills remembers... thanks, love.
office matters
my office good luck bamboo plant is dying. maybe it's the lack of sunlight... maybe i should remember to water it more... aren't these things generally more hardy and easy to take care off? the bamboo is down to it's last two shoots. the brown leaves withering away slowly. the end is near. does his mean that my luck here is running out?
so as the plant is slowly perishing, i am left with a small dilema: should i get a new good luck bamboo plant, or should i get a new siamese fighting fish, or should i get one of those eco-aquarium bowls with little shrimp things inside? what do you recommend?
karaoke night

last memorial day(may 30th), we went to hmc karaoke at pearlridge for a long over-due karaoke night. the performers were out in numbers and everyone was ready to sing. ST brought his backstreet boys repetoire, AM did a stunning rendition of 'yellow,' AO sang his 'hero,' MK did her madonna, KO brought his n'snyc show, and i was lunging-out alittle bit of everything (i am the dedicated-screamer in the group: see pic above). sweet baby elle was the heart of the show and we ended the night with a standing group performance of 'always' by bon jovi. let's do this again~
a special thanks
just wanted to take a moment here to thank you all for your thoughtful birthday comments and wishes. from KT's first birthday wishes one day before, to sweet jumble's bday post, to dinner at okonomiyaki kai with close friends (ST, MK, SG, AT, AO, AM), to lagoons with KM, to coffee with LW, to the AM/CY/ST/AT/SG/LC lei, gifts and cards, to the magoo's drinks with KN and friends, to the dinner at chiang mai with KN and friends, to the last dinner with dad at morton's. (did i miss anyone/anything? i hope not.) it's been a long, fun birthday-week. thank you for everything! :)
p.s. i know i've been slacking on my posts and readings. i haven't dropped by coffeetalk for over 3 weeks. i promise to pick it up a bit~ cheers!
pics updated!
Thursday, June 02, 2005

horsing around at pier 39
i finally got a chance to upload my san francisco pics on ofoto. check them out sometime at: 2005-05 san francisco or the quick picks icon with the golden gate bridge. cheers~
what i got / thank you
well, i just hit 30 yesterday. three fun decades down. leaving the twenty's behind, i'm left with no hair, no money, no partner, and no house. a sorry state. but at times like these, it's good to count your blessings and be thankful. so this is a short list of what i got (a life inventory)~
important stuff
-my health
-my family
-my friends (near and far)
-a sense of humor
-love & hope
kinda important stuff
-freedom & dreams
-an education & career
-food & shelter
-my past
just stuff
-a honda
-lulu (my notebook)
-a camera
-a tv
-a 401k plan
-a gym membership
-some clothes
-some shoes
-lots of dvds
-lots of books
-a bookshelf
-some stuffed animals (from CY)
-some candles
-a lamp
-a futon
-a blog
did i forget anything? i know that it's not much... but it's what i got, and i'm so grateful. thank you~
get it: coldplay - x & y
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

coldplay's new album - x & y is out this june 7th! and you've got to get it. a darker, moody album from the group with a great collection of songs. it has some familiar u2-like guitar rifts and radiohead rhythm, but soars with chris martin's dreamy, longing voice. some great tracks include: square one, what if, fix you, x & y, and speed of sound. a must for any coldplay/brit-rock fan. check it out: coldplay - x&y
phantom in my head
i saw a screening of the new phantom of the opera movie on the flight home last sunday. it made me well up a bit... it just reminded me of my days in the east coast prep school dorms, listening to this cd for the first time. a burst of mix emotions filled my chest as i listened to christine's ' think of me. ' and now i can't get ' all i ask of you ' out of my head (which sucks cause i only know like 3 lines). there' s a phantom in my head and it makes me sing (for you)...
' anywhere!~ you go, let me go too~ that's all i ask of you~ '