2 random quotes
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
(LW at lunch in serious concerned tone) "you know neko, your 2 biggest problems at this point are just this: 1. you need to stop buying crap and 2. your brain turns to MUSH around (hot) women..."
(KM at the office in a fake indian voice) "would you like some chilled monkey brains? chillied monkey brains!"
eating-neko: kapiolani diner at kam bowl

lots of eating-neko posts lately. hmmm... maybe i do tend to pig-out more when i'm tired and stressed-out... in anycase, after another fun day at work i dropped by kapiolani diner at kam bowl for dinner with LW. this cozy little local diner is located in a bowling alley in kalihi and is full of history and tradition. fine dining it is not, but kam bowl has some of the best oxtail soup on the island. i swear that the bowls are getting smaller and smaller everytime we visit though (with prices growing in an inverse relationship to the bowl size). the oxtail (at $10+) is heavenly, but i decided to try the braised shortribs for something different. it was a great choice~ the shortribs in the stew-like sauce just melted away in my mouth. it was the mac-salad's best friend. now if we can only make it out of here without getting mugged in the dark or car-jacked, i'll be totally satisfied. a must visit for the locals. happy eating~
and love returned
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
and love returned. much to my relief, the free wi-fi came back. i guess it just needed alittle time away to think things over (wi-fi pondering): 'you know, neko can sure be a jerk sometimes... but he really is a good man. maybe i'll give him another chance. i kinda miss him...' and so the wi-fi came back... and they lived happily ever after.
the end (i love happy endings)
the ' clirty ' pile is growing
Monday, August 29, 2005
i have 3 piles of clothes on my bedroom floor. yes, i know that clothes are normally suppose to be placed in closets and dressers, but it's been a rough 2 weeks and these clothes are still on the floor after the last wash. the first pile is the ' clean ' pile. this was the biggest pile after the last wash, but it is slowly shrinking as i pickout items for daily use. next is the ' dirty ' pile which consists of clothing items that must be washed after use. these things go straight into the laundry bag to prevent contamination. the last pile is the ' clirty ' pile. it's the part clean - part dirty clothes that can be re-used after the quick * sniff * test. this clirty pile has been growing slowly but surely, overflowing into the dirty pile. this is like the first time that i've actually used up all my clean clothes from the last wash before it ever made it into the closet. the clirty pile flirts with the dirty pile... i'm drowning in a sea of stinky clothes... it must be laundry time again...
eating-neko: e&o trading company
Sunday, August 28, 2005

i went to e&o trading company with BV for drinks and light pupus almost a month ago, but i think that it's worth a post (heck, it's a slow sunday). e&o trading company is a southeast asian grill located in ward center second floor. we dropped in there for a couple of drinks killing time for the ten pm movie. thursday night here was pretty dead. there was like 5 customers in the whole restuarant. a slow start, but i hear that it picks up on friday nights when the bar turns into a dj lounge. the decor is very eclectic with asian themes running throughout. the bar/lounge seating area is pretty big and cozy with good mood lighting. the menu is typical asian fusion fair. the prices for drinks run a bit steep. after two over-priced martini's, i've come to the conclusion that this is a great place to take someone if your looking for a trendy, quiet place with no one around. til then, i'll stick with indigo's...
nothing going on
have you ever had a day, when there was absolutely nothing going on in your life? it's like the earth and the universe stood still for a day, breaking the link between cause and effect... no more yesterdays or tomorrows to come. my mind drifts randomly in between dreams and consciousness. there's just nothing going on today... WTF?!
ate too much
i ate too much zippy's yesterday after the gym. it almost gave me a kanak-attack (nap attack). i had the complete meal chilli chicken plate with side frank and mac salad. that's chilli, 2 chickens, a jumbo frank, rice, mac salad, 2 sodas, chicken noodle soup, and jello dessert. KO was with me in the car, and even warned me about the curb when i put the vehicle into drive. my mind went blank for a few seconds... the food was slowing down my train of thought... i heard the words, but it was too late and i hopped the curb with my non-4-wheel drive car in the parking lot much to my embarassment. too much food... must go sleep... zzzzzzzz...
feeling like this...
Saturday, August 27, 2005

blah... ack!
i've been feeling like this lately... (it's been a busy 2 weeks). so how are you doing?
heartbreak weekend
my heart is broken (again)... the free wi-fi that i used to catch at waikele (for the past 3 months) is GONE... oh, the pain, the anguish. i've been internet-less at home for 2 nights now! i was hoping that she would come back, but she is gone without leaving a note. just packed up and disappeared. i got to move on and sign up with another isp, i guess. nothing comes for free. it's hard letting go. i'll miss you, free wi-fi... * tear rolls down cheek *
the exorcism in waikele dream
last night i dreamed that we invited 3 beautiful girls over to our place for a party in waikele. everything was going fine, until one by one the sexy girls became possessed by demons and ran amuck in the apartment (much like the exorcists times 3)! the possessed-ladies were screaming and yelling out obscenities and terrorizing the place in their trance.
i gathered the few not-possessed friends together and grabbed one of the demonic-ladies. we fought and struggled hard to keep her pinned down on the kitchen floor. i started the exorcism ritual with a cross to the head and a quick prayer, but the girl spat back at me as i realized that i was 1. not even christian and 2. don't know how to exorcise demons from possessed girls. a fellow friend who met the 2 qualificiations quiclky jumped in to help. with faith and prayer the demon was expelled and the girl turned back to normal.
with 2 more possessed ladies to work on, i asked my roommate AM for more help. but at this point, he was pretty exhausted and said, 'just do whatever you need to do, man...' and walked into his room for sleep (he has to work early tomorrow morning). so i round up the crew again and we started on the next girl. we had her pinned down in the living room and this time the exorcist was sitting on her stomach with a guitar singing her some christian tunes. it's going to be a long night... WAKE.
i got to stop watching late night tv and horror flicks (though they do make for these really interesting dreams)...
eating-neko: chiang mai restaurant

i'm finally getting caught up with these eating posts... last, last thursday i visited chiang mai restuarant in moiliili with AT. chiang mai is one of the few thai restaurants that i really recommend in honolulu for authentic thai flavors, great service, nice decor, and reasonable prices (and i should know good thai food after 15 years in bangkok and 30 years of mom's cooking). the restaurant is popular with the tourists and the local crowds and was fairly full on thursday night. as tradition we ordered the favored pad siew noodles with beef (fried chowfun noodles with broccoli, eggs, and beef), tom yum kung (spicy/sour shrimp soup), garlic chicken, and stick rice (AT's favorite). the noodles came out great as always, but the garlic chicken was a bit weak (don't order it). the soup had a million mushrooms in it this time, but the flavors were just right. like chinese restuarants, thai restaurants are best visited in larger groups so you can order and share many dishes 'family-style' (we had like 8 great dishes on KT's last birthday dinner). so if your ever jonesing for some good thai~ call me up! or if you just prefer the food then visit chiang mai on king street. i'm sure you'll love it :)
air supply saved my life
Friday, August 26, 2005
i was in such a great mood yesterday morning that i was singing in the shower again. this usually extends my 5-minute showers into half-hour showers. i got dressed and jumped in the car with the radio turned off: i gotta sing out the rest of this tune (some old air supply songs that i know by heart).
while on the freeway and halfway through ' making love out of nothing at all, ' i see a SUV try to merge into a left lane without looking at the side toyoto. the vehicle started to swerve and lose balance on the slick rainy roads. this was about 100 meters in front of me. i was driving about 55. the SUV then lost all control and hit the side door of that toyota spinning it right upon impact blocking the road. the SUV then turned sharply to the right, flipped 2 times, and ended up upside down. i was 2 cars away watching this unfold while braking to a stop in the middle of the road. i reached for the phone, but saw a police car nearby stopping to assist.
it was quite a jolt. i was 30 seconds away from disaster (an extra song in the shower). air supply saved my life yesterday. i am alive and grateful. thank you.
eating-neko: 808 kapahulu

i am running a little behind with my eating posts... but 2 weekends ago i stopped by 808 kapahulu with ML. this very trendy restaurant is located on 808 kapahulu (wow! what a coincidence!) and serves some unique tapa style fusion euro-asian-japanese food (or whatever that means). the restaraunt was BYOB, but we did not know that prior so we didn't have any alcohol with our izakaya-like food. we went there before the kava place, so we ate kinda light: an order of deep fried eggplant baked in sweet miso dashi, seafood dynomite, and kansai style stewed pork cubes with rice. a pretty tasty meal at a very trendy place. the prices were quite reasonable too though the service was a bit green. we'll definitely need to take advantage of that bring-your-own-alcohol thing next time!. check it out if your in the area :)
bangkok hotel pool dream
Thursday, August 25, 2005
i dreamed that i was visiting my hotel gm friend in bangkok. for some reason my boss here was there with me. it's been a while since i saw my thai friends. we met in the lobby and he guided us to this fancy bar on the second floor where we had a few drinks. we were suppose to go to a cool restaurant on the top floor but the table wasn't ready yet. after a few drinks, MT suggested that we go downstairs to play pool near the casino. my boss followed, but instead of joining us with pool, he went to the cashier to get some change for the slot machines. we racked the table and i was the first to break. it was an incredible break! 5 balls sank into the corner pockets! the break was so hard that the rest of the balls jumped off the table! i could see to cue ball moving closer and closer to the pocket... hitting another ball and sinking in. darn! scratched on the brake. oh well. the game continues... WAKE.
happy birthday, velvet!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

happy belated birthday, velvet! you're such a mystery. to the poet, the artist, the lonely lover, the reader, the philospher, the sweetie, the blogger, and the mystery that makes you... i wish you a very happy, successful year ahead~ whether you're stuck with twisted thoughts in those 4 walls, or outside the box eating psychocandies reading poetry A-Z in not-so-wet rain. happy birthday!
forgive me?
countdown to ocean club
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
yup, we're in that countdown for oceans-night again. i better get ready... here's my quick pre-drinking night checklist:
-shaved head - check
-brush teeth and showered - check
-dress to impress (but match someone) - check
-the safe-guy - check
-drink pushers and happy drunks - check
-moochers and flakers - check
-woman-watching friend - check
-new person to take to maui - not available (yet?)
-money for 3 hours of drinks - check
-money for zippy's after-meal - check
9 out of 10 ain't bad... i think we're good to go. wish me luck.
dreaming-neko: all filler?
Monday, August 22, 2005
i must apologize for the frivilous nature of all these posts lately (especially to all my new blog friends out there who don't really know me). is dreaming neko all filler, no substance, depth, meaning or feeling? it may be a sign of the times. my room's a mess, my head's a mess. the hole in my heart is soo big that nothing can fill it but YOUR love (and the sad thing is that YOU won't even be reading this here). in anycase, i apologize to you all, and promise you a neko-future with more depth and meaning. in the meantime... 2 thoughts:
1. i just spent $38 dollars on a tank of gas today! $38 for a full honda! it's so close to $40 now. i just paid $28 last year when i got my car. that's over a 35% increase in less than 2 years. it's kinda scary...
2. my new moneyclip has a single card slot that can fit only 3 cards max (its a tight fit). if you had to carry only 3 cards with you on a daily basis, what 3 cards would you carry? just being nosy :)
more foolish spending

it's hard being a closet metro-sexual (that's metro with a 'm'). i have zero will-power for buying nice crap that i don't really need. my spending grows with the emptiness in my heart. while i'm mostly a slob about 80% of the time, i seem to be a fussy dresser. some things just have to be 'just right.' and so in my lastest obessions, i changed my cologne from john varvatos to dunhill fresh and i changed my LV monogram wallet for a gucci moneyclip (with a matching keychain... soon). i guess this means that the condo is going to have to wait another year... oh well, life is tough. spend hard. (help!)
fatigue strikes
i've been dragging these past few days. i am sooo tired. i took a 4 hour nap after work yesterday. i drank 4 cups of coffee today and still feel beat. today is the 7th day working on the job. am scheduled for 3 more days straight. a busy end of the month follows. yay.
fatigue strikes... brain not working good... must spend money foolishly... must go drinking... ack!
happy birthday, LC !

happy birthday, LC! another birthday, another office-balloons surprise (i'm getting really good at these office-balloons surprises). my how time flies... i still remember your last birthday when we bought you shots, but you refused to walk down to get them at our side of the club. i think we've come a long ways since then (some people just love trouble). hope you have a great day, today... get ready for tomorrow! oceans party #2 is coming up... happy birthday!
CY travel walk dream
Sunday, August 21, 2005
i dreamed that i was on vacation with CY somewhere along the westcoast. we were walking around the city sightseeing. my parents were also visiting the city, but we all flew up seperately. i realized that i needed to fly back before the others and started getting ready for the trip that night. i had to pack up and pick up my dry-cleaned slacks from the lobby near the restaurant. after all the preparation, i took a last walk with CY before i had to leave. i asked her what her plans were: she says that she will go sightseeing for one more day and fly out tomorrow. we started walking in some sort of tourist attraction that had small replicas of little villages from over the world. we were walking by a windmill village (representing netherlands) when i bumped into my mom there. i took out my camera and took a photo of her near the windmills. we waved to her and continued our last walk. WAKE.
new credo
Saturday, August 20, 2005
the blog theme/credo/motto here used to be:
dreaming-neko - a collection of random, thoughts, pics, dreams and ramblings from a wondering/wandering mind.
but it was too bland and generic, so i added more flare:
dreaming-neko - love alittle... live alittle... dream alittle... whine alot...
they would also be the categories for the posts, but blogger doesn't (easily) do categories. the slogan is fitting, don't you think?
hobbies and other thoughts

eh?!! (i feel like the cat)
i've been laying low from kickboxing classes this past month to let my left ankle heal a bit. in the healing process, i started lifting more and managed to injure my left elbow at the gym (benched 245 twice!). so now i have a bum elbow and sore ankle (damn, i'm getting old). to kill the time, it seems that i have picked up yet another hobby: drinking out. i seem to be pretty good at this hobby. it's low-impact but can get pretty expensive.
* sigh * i need a new distraction
maybe i should just listen to my mom and pick up a part-time job somewhere... in addition to my airline career, credit union volunteer, coffee, blogging, gym, travel, and drinking. i actually consider blogging my part-time job here (zero pay, great benefits), but a couple days at borders bookstore wouldn't be that bad too.... we'll see...
comment verification and gravatars
Friday, August 19, 2005
you learn something new everyday... and today i learned about gravatars and blogger word-verification in comments (from jaxon). blogger recently introduced this new word-verification setting for comments to fight automated comment-spammers (ha-ha!). just go into your comment settings and click yes for word-verification as seen here. i also stumbled upon gravatar.com while surfing through some comments/blogs. gravatars are globally recognized avatars (or basically those little pics that you find in haloscan comments). you can create a gravatar at this page here. check them out sometime! happy blogging... happy learning :)
going clean

i've gone clean. like the heros before me (yul brynner, vin diesel, telly savalas), i crossed that final barrier and attained the complete shaved head look. i used a wahl hair trimmer before with no guard, but that always leaves a 5 o'clock shadow after the buzz. feeling kinda adventurous last night, i bought a norelco electric-shaver and went all-in. what a strange feeling... so light and smooth. the up-keep is simple too. i feel like a totally new (bald) bad-ass now... are you ready, world? :)
HIFF: k-fest!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
the honolulu international film festival (HIFF) and KBFD-TV are hosting a mini film festival this weekend at the honolulu academy of arts (HAA). the k-fest will screen 7 exciting korean films that include: she's on duty, my brother, innocent steps, and r-point. i am currently signed-up for r-point (a war/horror/thriller) with co-workers on saturday. my co-workers are die-hard korean-soap fans, so this thriller should be fun.
for more info click here: HIFF k-fest
the new 20's
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
quoted from DG at starbucks:
" the 30's is the new 20's, man... "
now that's kinda refreshing... i think i like that quote. it puts things in perspective a bit. yes, welcome to the new 20's, people...
spongebob strikes again!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

muuuaahhhaaahaa..... (evil laugh)
spongebob strikes again! this time, to my surprise, i found spongebob hiding in the ceiling panels above my work cubicle this morning. it was a creepy sight. that big silly grin (like chucky) 12 feet above the desk. he's gone to new heights this time... i wonder what he was planning? i better keep my eyes open. watch out people!
midnight dvds
i've been addicted to midnight dvds this past week. there's nothing like a good 2-hour bedtime story before you sleep. but sometimes i'll get too wired at the end of the film, so i read a book to wind down again. reading in bed is always a great sleeping-pill. what's your pre-sleep routine (let's keep this PG couples)?
the dryer mystery
Monday, August 15, 2005
i don't know where these coins are coming from in the dryer. i always empty my pants pockets before the wash. the coins make a racket in the dryer: cling and clatter, cling and clatter. maybe the drying-machine is trying to pay me back for all those socks that went missing? it's the dryer mystery...
eating-neko: paesano's with family

we celebrated my father's 77th birthday today at paesano's in the manoa marketplace. a great little italian restaurant with good atmosphere, good service and great food. the place was completely packed on a monday night. they just re-openned after a 3-week renovation, and they were very much missed by the regular diners. we started the meal with some warm house bread, a salami/cheese/anchovies appettizer, and some cold anti-pasto. my main entree was veal alla milanese: a tasty breaded veal cooked with lots of garlic and a side of pasta. a small chocolate gellato completed the meal. we really don't get out much these days as a family, so it's always a special time for us when we do. i hope you had a great night, dad. happy birthday! i love you guys.
sunday drinks rage out of control
our sunday midnight drinks had raged out of control last night. 2 hours turned into 4.5 hours and we left the bar at 5:00 am. zippy's breakfast was next to save the (hangover) day. i emailed the office for an off-day (trade saturday work for monday off) and slept-in until 1:40 pm. a much needed restless sleep (i dreamed about work!). i beat the traffic and got into starbucks ward for 3 hours of coffee with friends before driving to waikiki to pick up my family for dinner. so a crazy sunday night had turned into a mellow monday day. how was your weekend?
a special post...
Sunday, August 14, 2005

a special post... for a special girl. happy birthday, jumble!
make a wish, and blow out your candles... it's going to be a great year!